SQuirreL SQL Client for Windows

You can view the structure of a Jdbc-compliant database, navigate table data, and problem Sql commands using the visual Sql client Quirrel Sql Client, which is written in java. The functionality of Squirrel Sql Client may be expanded by using addons, and the pictorial back finish is designed to support Jdbc-compliant datasets!

You can install and produce addons with Squirrel Sql Client to improve the base application’s’s features. On the Squirrel Sql Client websites, a variety of apps are available for download.

Database executives who need to configure the appropriate inspires and aliases, quite as Frontbase, Mysql, Oracle, Postgresql, Sql, and Instantdb, can use Squirel Sql Client to evaluate the structure of Jdbc obedient datasets.


Squirrel Sql Client is generally simple to use and implement. Numerous databases, integrating Ibm Db2, have effectively tested it. It is not overly big or resource-hungry, and it moves fairly quickly. On the Squirrel Client cottage document, there is a ton of support for the purchaser in the form of mailing names, etc.

Wanting for the Squirrel Sql Guest for Mac? Get this



Panels version of Rabbit Mysql Client 4.1.0
  1. , Windows 2000
  2. Using Skylights 2003
  3. Upgrades of Windows,
  4. Panels 8, etc.
  5. Windows Vista,
  6. Windows 98,
  7. Windows 7, etc.
  8. 10 Skylights
Dialects that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent release:
May 4, 2023, Monday
Sql Development Team Squirrel
