MiniLyrics for Windows

A small widget for several different singing individuals is called Minilyrics. Your fun songs’ phrases are displayed by the delivery as they play. Because configured, the plugin launches when you launch the internet gambler of your choice from the Minilyrics registry, which is large enough to accommodate the taste of the majority of people. Numerous internet players, such as itunes, Winamp, and Windows media player, are supported by Minilyrics.

Included are the following main characteristics:

  1. supported by multiple press players.
  2. mechanically get and query lyrics.
  3. research for songs manually.
  4. a sizable database of songs.
  5. attainable coats
  6. sustain for multiple platforms.

Overall, Minilyrics is a fantastic minor product if movies is your thing. The lyric librarian is extensive, and there is great support for various media players. Even downloaded lyrics may be saved so that you can listen to or view songs online. Although Minilyrics is completely, there are some obnoxious membership reminders, which is a drawback.




For Panels, Minilyrics 7.7.49
Size of the file:
2 09 Kb
  1. Windows of Panels
  2. Windows 7,
  3. Windows 10, etc.
  4. 2003 Skylights,
  5. Using Windows 2000
  6. 98th Panels,
  7. , Windows Vista
  8. Windows 8,
Dialects that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent revision:
12th of August 2023, Wednesday
Llc called Crintsoft