Free Windows Ntlite

You can edit Windows installation images using the Ntlite Free app for Windows administrators, whether they are” offline” or” live.” With the help of the” lived” delete way, you can change Windows Os that has already been installed without having to reinstall it. To delete something, simply run the program on the operating system, make any necessary changes, and reboot if necessary.

The user-friendly ui of Ntlite Free is simple to use. Strong menus, a simple look hill summary, and single-file settings are all used in the app.

Included in the variable aspects are:

  1. ui with intuition.
  1. partition of disks.
  1. exceptionally adaptable
  1. modify type called” Stand.”


Factor removal, words packs, app inclusion, disk partitioning, and an overview of pending changes are just a few of the features that the app has. It’s’s interesting to note that Ntlite can operate on operating systems that Framework. This is advantageous because it makes the app run more quickly and has fewer dependencies.

Windows 7,, 8, 8.1, and 10 Technical Preview are all supported translations.



Free Windows Ntlite
  1. Using Windows 2000
  2. Using Panels 2003
  3. Upgrades of Windows,
  4. Panels 8, etc.
  5. Vista, Windows
  6. 98 Panels,
  7. Windows 10,
  8. Windows 7.
Cultures that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
version test
most recent revision:
January 1st, 2000, Saturday
Nlitesoft d.o. o.