RegScanner for Windows

You can test the Registry, find the desired Registry norms that match the provided search criteria, and then display them in a list using the small and lightweight product power Regscanner.

By double-clicking the desired Registry piece in Regedit, you can quickly find the Registry ideals after they have been located. Additionally, you is trade Registry worth to a.reg submit so that Regedit you use them.

Important Characteristics:

  1. You can find the then worth without pressing F3 thanks to Regscanner’s’s simultaneous display of the over-all trawl result.
  2. Regscanner can also find Registry values using modified key dates, data length, value type Reg_ Sz and, and reg_ Dword in addition to the standard string search.
  3. A ternary value’s’s ascii series can be found using Regscanner.
  4. You can perform a case-sensitive investigation using Regscanner.
  5. Regscanner displays the most recent Registry variable scan while checking the registry.


System specifications:

    98 Skylights, Xp, Vista, Windows 7, etc. and 8 Windows are all versions.



Panels version of Regscanner 2.31
size of the file:
147.90 kb
  1. Upgrades of Windows,
  2. Windows 7, etc.
  3. Windows 10,
  4. 2003 Panels,
  5. Windows 2000,
  6. Windows 98,
  7. Windows Vista,
  8. Windows 8.
cultures that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent update:
22 May 2023, a Tuesday
Sofer, Nir